I thought I would post pictures of my "area." I should have taken before pictures, except I started to do this, THEN found out about the challenge. I only have after pictures. I'm in the computer lab, which is pretty much a public area. I have a desk and a file cabinet. I don't have a bookcase, which is the one thing I wish I had.
Over parent teacher conferences I worked really hard to keep things organized. Since I don't have "regular" students, I go to some meetings, have planning meetings for our school improvement team, and then at night while teachers are meeting with parents, I was able to organize :)
This is what I did:
1. I went through my stacks of paper and either filed them where they belonged, or I recycled them.
2. I went through my file cabinet. One drawer has all my literacy files. One drawer has all my "school" files. I cleaned them out!!!!
3. One drawer in my file cabinet has my binders for school (School Improvement, Title 1, Progress Monitoring Data, Common Core) and some professional books that I don't use very often, but are still a great resource. This drawer was in pretty good shape.
3. My last drawer has supplies. I have found great uses for the pencil boxes you can get at the beginning of the school super cheap. I have quite a few and they are labeled. I use them to keep the following: pencils, pens, markers, highlighters, glue sticks, sticky notes, tabs for dividers, and tape.
4. My desk area is now pretty clean. I have a small crate that holds file folders and I use that to keep everything I need for my weekly grade-level collaborations. Then I keep all the professional books I use on the small top shelf of my desk.
5. All my pens that are the same color are in the black and pink owl mug :)
6. I keep my binder clips and my small post it notes in the galvanized owl buckets on top of my file cabinet.
Freebie: Until tomorrow at 6pm....my math fact games will be on sale :) If you like it, please leave feedback!
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