Currently September and a Flash Freebie

I love participating in this linky!

I loved how this month there was a heart for "love yourself"  :)  I tend to let school consume my entire life...I need to STOP doing that!!!!  Easier said than done!  I also feel like I'm on a roll with my running program I've been doing, and I don't want to stop :)  I try to run on Monday's, Wednesdays, and Fridays and then I do the elliptical a few other days. 

This item will be free today until 5pm (CST).  We've been using in first grade at my school and the teachers really like it!


  1. Yay! Keep up with your running! I need to really focus on exercise... I have done NOTHING in the past few weeks. Ugh. But I'm glad you have kept it up! You've inspired me to go and clean off the ol' treadmill!

    Have a great week and enjoy the rest of your day off!


  2. Isn't the extra day great?! I think all weekends should be three days! Thanks for the freebie-it will be great for my kinder kiddos later in the year. I'm glad I found you through Currently-I'm your newest follower!

    Always an Adventure in Kindergarten

  3. I love three day weekends...wish they all could be! I'm with you, school can consume my life as well. I'm working on finding that balance.

    Hunter's Teaching Tales
    Find me on Facebook

  4. Thanks for sharing!


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