1. My daughter is reading Flora and Ulysses..I can't wait to borrow it :)
2. Teacher Talent Show...When you are in elementary school, and your teacher dances on stage, they love you even more :) This was the song we did...and we stole some moves from this guy :)
3. My husband and I played in a flag football tournament to support Relay for Life! We didn't win, but we had fun!
4. Cold weather...I never thought my son would still be wearing uniform pants on the last week of school, but it has been very cool - high of 55 - 60 degrees (usually it is closer to 80). My son's uniform pants are practically uniform capris, and they are wearing out in the knees... Fingers crossed his pants last 4 more days!
5. I went to an indoor trampoline park with my children and their friends...we took six of them on Mother's Day :) It was AWESOME!!! If you have never been to one, they are so much fun...and a GREAT workout :)
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