Supporting One Another

Teaching is hard!  Teaching is VERY hard!  Every day!  Even the easy days are not always easy  :)

I had an amazing professional development with Mark McLeod, who is an inspirational speaker that really focuses on motivating teachers and engaging students.

Mark focuses on building up your colleagues and teammates and making deposits into teachers and students emotional bank accounts!  I began to reflect how often I do this.  I would say I'm a ROCKSTAR when it comes to building up students' emotional bank accounts.

However, I'm sad to say I don't really do this with my teammates or colleagues! Everyone is so busy.  I am very focused at school on my job and my students, and even though I would say I am a good teammate, I don't really make an effort to build other teachers up.  Once my duty day is over, I go home to my family.  I feel like I manage my time REALLY well when I'm at school, and I don't mind doing somethings at home after my children are in bed.  I'd rather be at home than at school, and I know that this could be perceived in a negative way.  The reality is that I work hard all day,  because I want to go home and see my children and just be a mom! Since I am very efficient while I'm at school, this leaves little time for me "focus on other teachers' emotional needs."

Thankfully, this isn't my school!!!

I have an amazing building principal that gets what it is like being a teacher.  I feel fortunate to not work in a school with low morale.  I know this isn't the case for everyone.  So I started thinking what I can do to build up teachers and make them feel good when they get to work!  I realize that other teacher's happiness is beyond my control, but there are things I can do to build up my teammates and provide them with some positive energy :)  I even have a Pinterest Board with some ideas and lots of freebies!

With Valentine's Day right around the corner, I'm going to try and spread some kindness at my building!  Here are a few easy ways!

*Positive emails
*Positive notes
*Fun Bulletin Boards with teammates about why your grade and students are awesome
*coffee in the morning
*Ice cream sundaes (everyone brings different toppings) after school
*Say thank you

Please feel free to add ideas in the comments!!

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