Five for Friday!

I hope everyone had a great week!  I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs :)

1. Bingo Dots!  I love them :)  They are a great novelty at workstation time.  My son loves them!!! Our refrigerator is covered with Bingo Dots.  I got mine at a children's toy shop, but you can order them at Amazon.

2. Spot and Dot. We've been using this to help students in grades 3-5 chunk words.  Here is a link to a video that explains the process.
3. This week I had two gifts left on my is an owl candy bowl and another was a vase of flowers!  They were from teachers at my building and they MADE my week.  This week has been so crazy, I just realized I should have taken pictures!!!  There are lots of videos on You Tube by this same teacher to help you learn how to teach students this method :)

4. Family pictures this weekend!  I have grand ideas on how I'd like them to turn out.... I have to just hope for the best.

5.  It is getting dark earlier every night when I go out for my walk/run, it is getting dark by 7:15!  My son told me that everyday we have 4 minutes less of daylight.  I have no idea if this is true or not!!!  I haven't even had time to Google it :)

1 comment

  1. I liked the spot and dot video. Older struggling readers need so much help learning to break words appropriately. Good luck with your family pictures! Hope they turn out just like you were hoping!
    Conversations in Literacy


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