Tellagami- Alternative to Book Reports

Currently the Tellagami app is free!!! This is a fun app that allow students to make a digital story.  Students can create characters and settings.  It also allows voice recordings of 30 second messages.

It is very easy to learn, and would be a great work station activity or a fun way to summarize a chapter or even a story.  Students first create their character, then students can use the backgrounds provided or use photos from the camera roll for a setting.

You can add emotions to the characters.

This is where I was changing backgrounds.
This You Tube tutorial walks you through how to create a scene with step-by-step instructions.


  1. That's an app we use often in our ELA classes; especially for summarizing. It's a fun change up and the students learn to be concise :)

    You should link up this app, I'm hosting a monthly iPad integration linky.. all content areas/grade levels!

    Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road

  2. This looks like a fun app and something that the students would really enjoy using! I think they would love recording themselves!
    Conversations in Literacy


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