Giveaway- Ends Tonight at 7pm

Enter to win one of two $10 Teacher's Pay Teacher's gift certificate.  Don't forget to use promo code TPT3!  I forgot to use the promo code on one of my shopping trips yesterday!!! Ends tonight at 7pm CST.  I will email the winner, so you can shop ...


Big Sale and a File Update!

Teacher's Pay Teachers is having their big sale to celebrate 3 million teachers on Feb. 27-Feb 28!  Don't forget to leave feedback on your purchases for TPT credits!     If you have purchased my Phonemic Awareness, First Sounds, Letter Naming and MEGA Blending ...


Five for Friday!

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs!!! 1.  I just found an awesome app! A Beautiful Mess.  It was totally worth 99 cents!  I love it :)  I'm having so much fun decorating pictures!  I have a countdown going until our spring break trip...every ...


Three for Friday- Valentine's Day

This week I'm linking up with Doddle Bugs and Five for Friday...except I'm so worn out, it's a three for Friday!  Boy I'm happy tomorrow is Saturday! 1. This was a crazy week and I realized I didn't take any pictures!!!  I'm having to do a bookroom inventory, and I made ...


Fun App for Vocabulary, Word Work, and More!

Textagon is great for all elementary grades.  It is FREE!!!!  Today I used it with 1st graders working on sight words, 1st graders working on -ar words, and 5th graders working on their planet project.  This app is very versatile!!! For even more ...


Super Sale!

Throughout the game, I'll be doing flash freebies!  I'll be updating them on my Facebook page!   PS..Thank you Ashley Hughes for designing such great clip art!!!! ...


Currently - February

This was fun :) 1.  I have a degree in computer science- True!  I actually worked for 8 years as a computer programmer/business analyst. 2.  I was on the rowing team in high school and college- True!  In college it was an intermural sport, and I only did ...

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