First Week Challenges: Communicating with a Student that is Nonverbal

This year has had some major challenges- most involve new technology and loss of what I had access to last year.  The good new is I still have all my files...the bad news is we have lost most of our software access temporarily.  Although not related, I have no email contacts ...


Five for Friday with Freebies!

I think it has taken me 3 weeks to get this post together.  That's what going back to school will do to you!!! This was my Saturday project :)  I got this idea from Queen of the First Grade Jungle and I loved it.  She had letters that spelled out the word DREAM...since ...


Summer Blog Party: Fluency

I posted about fluency earlier in the summer, but I've updated my post with a few more ideas for the Reading Crew's Weekly Summer Linky Party! Depending on the groups of students I work with, if students need extra help with fluency, I will add a poetry warm-up to our lesson. ...


Currently August

Say it isn't so!!!  August came WAY, WAY too fast this summer! I had the best summer!  I say that every summer, but I really had an amazing summer :)  We traveled quite a bit and I spent lots and lots of time outdoors, which makes me very happy :) The big thing ...

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