2015-2016 End of the Year Review with a FREEBIE!

As the 2015-2016 year winds to a close,  I wanted to share some of my favorite ideas with you!   I bought these fans at Hobby Lobby and just added some fun and inspirational words on them.  They decorated my back wall all year, and I love how bright and ...


End of the Year Freebies!

I've been scouring Pintrest and blogs for some awesome freebies for the end of the year!  I wanted to share some of my favorites! A fun flip book from Sam Van Gorp! Summer Themed Would You Rather... from Rachel Lynette Bright Concepts 4 Teachers has an adorable countdown ...


Using Picture Books to Teach Social Skills (Includes a Freebie)

Even though I teach reading,  I always incorporate a social skill learning target into our lesson.  My school has all small groups incorporating a social skill into the learning target (just like classroom teachers). Some of my groups are a little challenging in terms ...


Teacher Appreciation Discounts!

Teacher's Pay Teacher's is having their Teacher Appreciation sale today and tomorrow!! Save up to 28%! In addition, here are some of my favorite places to use my teacher id badge (or email address) year round! - Eddie Bauer  - Michaels - Joanne's (you need the tag that you ...

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