Winners were notified this morning by email.
$10 Teachers Pay Teacher's Gift Card- Candi
$10 Teachers Pay Teacher's Gift Card-Kylie A.
$10 Teachers Pay Teacher's Gift Card- CI
4 Items from My Store- Tracy
4 Items from My Store- Karen F
4 Items from My Store- Kelly B
There are awesome ideas in the comments, and I've included a few here!
We read on a daily basis. My students have book bags that consist of books they check out from our classroom library. In their bags are two picture books, two non-fiction books, and 2 or more chapter books depending on their level. My really low kids pick leveled readers as well. When they complete something before the class is ready to move on, they take out their book bags. During reading centers, one center is book bags and they sit in a quiet place a read the books in their book bag. They are constantly reading. For their monthly behavior goal a couple of months back, they choose a read-a-thon. It was a wonderful experience and they have asked to do another one. - JCASHELL
I just let them read! If we want our students to build their reading stamina they need to be given the time to actually sit down and read. This January we will be building reading stamina using the Daily 5 model. We will start with everyone reading at the same time, when one person is not reading the whole class is brought back together to track their time and review proper reading behavior (ie: READING ALL THE TIME!). I like to do this after every break from school that is longer than 1 week because it gives the students the opportunity to review the rules and expectations and they have an end goal to reach (20 minutes of uninterrupted independent reading in grade 1). As we progress throughout the year, this takes less time. My class SHOULD get back on track to about 15 minutes by the end of January. -Mrs. de Vries
I use the Daily 5 procedure to build stamina with my first graders. I start off explaining how I would need to build stamina to run around the school building more than once and how I would build up to a goal of 10 times. Then we start practicing our reading stamina with a goal of 3 minutes. We build up a couple more minutes each day. The students love the suspense as I fill in the squares on our stamina graph to show the total. My teaching partner and I also have our first graders build up their bathroom stamina and that really seems to make sense to them! -Lori Karcz
This eCard made me smile...except sometimes I find that short weeks seem like the longest weeks EVER! After this week, I'll be having a four day week!

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