Five For Friday

This week I'm linking up with Doddle Bugs and Five for Friday!  I'm glad it is Friday!!! 1. I'm in a "crafty" mood...this is going to be my next project!  I saw it on Pinterest and am 99.9% sure I can make it :) 2.  I just finished reading The Fault in Our ...


A Sunday Freebie- Character Trait Task Cards

  I hope everyone had a great weekend and has a fantastic week!!   ...


New February Stamina Graph- Freebie!

I'm excited for February...boy 2014 is sure flying by fast!!!  Here is a reading stamina graph.   **If you have purchased either my Kindergarten Bundle or my First Grade Bundle, I've updated them to include my new Valentine's Day Workstation Card Pack!  Make ...


Quick Tip: Using Binders for Workstations

One easy way to keep workstation materials organized are by using binders.  It is easy to change materials out, and they don't take up much room!  These workstations are for beginning sounds and word work! Thanks to Kindergarten Smiles for the great workstation ...


Five For Friday

This week I'm linking up with Doddle Bugs and Five for Friday!  I'm glad it is Friday!!! 1.  One of my goals for 2014 was to get my Progress Monitoring Binder in better order!!! Each student has their own tab with all the copies of the assessments specific to ...


My Blog Makeover- Today is Reveal Day!

I absolutely love my new blog design.  I feel like one of those people you see on TV when they have their great home remodel reveal! Megan at A Bird in Hand Designs was AMAZING to work with! I cannot say enough positive comments about her talent!! Megan is beyond creative!!!!!!!  ...


Winners Winners Chicken Dinners!

Thank you to everyone that participated in my giveaway! Winners were notified this morning by email. $10 Teachers Pay Teacher's Gift Card- Candi $10 Teachers Pay Teacher's Gift Card-Kylie A.   $10 Teachers Pay Teacher's Gift Card- CI 4 Items from My Store- Tracy 4 ...


Five for Friday and a Flash Freebie!

Linking Up with Doodle Bugs! 1. I'm not to Season 4, but will catch up on a few episodes this weekend on Amazon Prime.  I could explain very well to Lady Violet what a weekend is :)   2.  I'm loving this scarf organizer my children gave me for Christmas.  ...


Building Reading Stamina - 2014 Giveaway!

**Just wanted to remind you to enter!  There are lots of great ideas in the comments to help teachers build reading stamina! To celebrate 2014 and to help give teachers more ideas on how to build reading stamina, I've created a Celebrate 2014 Giveaway!  There will be ...


Currently - January 2014

Linking  up with Farley! I go back to school tomorrow and had a wonderful break!  My favorite memory involved my sister and I doing a last minute Old Navy run (she needed a pair of jeans), and we ended up getting all the grown-ups coordinating outfits for present ...

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