Peek at My Week: Sept 29

We are really working on monitoring comprehension with non-fiction texts.  The big question I will ask all week (about a million times) is:  Did that make sense?  If it doesn't we will work on fix-up strategies from our Reading Tool Kit. We are using the STP (STOP, ...


Five for Friday: Teaching is Tough (and it isn't all academic)

Some weeks are tough.  I'm pretty sure that people who don't teach are convinced that all we do is "academic stuff!"  When in fact, there is so much more to teaching than just academics.  I believe that the relationships I've built with students ...


Peek at My Week and a Figurative Language Freebie!

My fifth grade comprehension groups are all working on figurative language.  Originally this week was slated for summarizing, but that all has changed!  Last week, and I had three students write down figurative language phrases in their "unknown words" section ...


Five for Friday- Life is BUSY!

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs!  I swear the days just fly by!  I've been so busy!!! I cannot wait until my Amazon.com order comes in...I ordered quite a few picture books to teach similes and metaphors :)  This is just one...I'll take a picture when my order ...


Leveling Books- App!

I've been working on leveling books for classroom libraries.  I have had pretty good luck with Lit. Leveler.  It uses pic2shop to scan the barcodes.  However, you can manually enter the ISBN number.    Overall I had a very high success rate scanning ...


Five for Friday!

This week has gone by fast.  Sometimes 4 day weeks DRRRRAAAAAAGGG.  Not this week!! I'm so happy it is the weekend :)  I have family & football to look forward to this fall-weather weekend. I made this centerpiece to celebrate fall! I found the ...



I'm having a great school year.  I'm exhausted...but who isn't!!!  I'm happy to link up with Farley.  I do wish I could get more sleep...I have a very, very elderly cat that the vet thinks has the early stages of dementia.  She used to be a mostly outdoor ...

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