Easy Workstations for Halloween!

I was making some of these this week...some for alphabet matching and matching eyeballs to pictures.  I also made some addition ones and word families for short /a/.  I found these at Target, but they weren't at the Dollar Spot...they were in the back with the Halloween ...


Peek at My Week! Short Week

Since it is a short week, my lessons are designed for small groups focused on specific skills: Inferencing and Main Ideas. I cannot say enough about the Main Idea set from The Brown Bag Teacher.  It has also been helping students with their writing.  Their paragraphs ...


Stretching CVC Words

A friend of mine shared this with me.  I LOVED it!!!  Perfect for students that are working on blending words.  We've been stretching words using an elastic.  Then once I bring the elastic back together, we say the entire word.  It is a great visual and ...


Five For Friday: Halloween with Food Allergies

This is a great resource :)  My son has peanut allergies and my daughter has celiac.  My son is a real hoot to trick or treat with!!!  "Trick or treat!  I have a peanut allergy, do you have candy for kids with peanut allergies?"  He says ...


Peek at My Week: The Drinking Gourd

We focused on inferencing (informational) and main ideas/details (literature) last week.  Inferencing was REALLY difficult.  We are also going to continue making predictions, inferencing, and asking and answering questions with the book, The Drinking Gourde.   I ...


Peek at My Week: Short Week

We ended up starting to do a "mini" research project last week.  We are going to finish it up on Monday and Thursday.  Since we are having a short week, we are going to review main idea/details and practice inferencing!  I'm excited to use resources from the Brown ...


Progress Monitoring Survey Results

How often: Weekly  40% Twice a Month 30% Monthly 15% Other 5% Assessments: AIMS Web Dibels CBM (please comment if you are using it and a website so I can investigate it more). What I need: An AWSOME way to monitor comprehension in grades 3-5.  We have Dibels ...


Currently October

I'm loving this fall weather.  I was wearing sandals on Monday, and today BOOTS!!!! The only negative I can find about it getting cooler, is that it gets dark earlier!  I used to be able to run after 8:30 pm....now it is getting dark by 7:30!    My treat ...


Tricks and Treat Blog Hop

I'm excited to be sharing some Tricks and Treats on this awesome Blog Hop!    My tricks and treats are all technology related! Trick I like having students login cards on a laminated 3x5 index card.  On the front I put their student id, login and password. ...

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