TPT Cyber Sale Dec 1-2 and a Giveaway!

TPT is having one of their big sales tomorrow.  Everything in my store will be 20% off, plus you get an additional 10% off if you use the code: TPTCYBER. Enter below to win!  I'll be giving away 2 $20 TPT gift cards on Monday night at 8:30 pm.  I'll email the winners ...


Literacy By Worksheets Shopping Favorites

My goal was to get all my shopping done by 11/30!  I've pretty much met my goal.  We are keeping Christmas simple at my house.  In addition to their stocking which will have some little goodies (lip gloss, small legos, candy, fun socks, fun mittens/gloves) my children ...


Thankful Linky {Day 2}

I'm linking up with Blog Hoppin!  Today on this first day, I'm thankful for my cozy home! I've lived in my house for 15 years now.  It is cozy :)  That is realtor speak for "tiny!"  That's okay.  My husband has asked me many times if I want ...


Thankful Linky

I'm linking up with Blog Hoppin!  Today on this first day, I'm thankful for my Terrific Family! I'm thankful for my terrific family!  I have the most patient and kind husband in the world!  He is a great dad and my best friend :)  My children are simply ...


Can't Live Without It Linky Party

The purpose of this linky by Fun in Room 4B is to help make everyone's lives a little easier!  I first must say, that I cannot live without my family and my friends.  I feel so blessed to have a great group of family and friends that love me :)  They make ...


Gobble, Gobble! Thanksgiving Freebie!

I have a group of students that are still struggling reading CVC words.  Any extra practice they can do is great!  We've been using this game as a quick warm-up before guided reading. I also have them use each word in a complete sentence!  They can keep the Gobble, ...


Currently - November

I had a great Halloween with my family!  I cannot believe it is already November.  It seems like November is going to go by VERY quickly...then it is December.   November is CRAZY, BUSY at my house.  Both my children play basketball and we have games ...

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