Five for Friday with an Earth Day Freebie

Spring break is over...back to reality!  Linking up with Doodle Bugs :) 1.  I was fortunate to see a presentation by Lester Laminak...he was a great, engaging presenter, and I now have another resource to use :) 2.  I saw this on Facebook and I loved ...


Read Alouds - Using Bumper Stickers to Teach Theme

I was fortunate enough to hear a presentation by Lester Laminak!  The day was so amazing, I didn't know where to begin because he shared so many ideas!!!  I'm still processing (a day later)  :)  I always like to find things that I can immediately implement ...


Close Reading and Reading A to Z

I've had a Reading A to Z subscription for the past six years, but I've always just used their leveled books.  I don't LOVE putting the books together, but the fact that I can find books to match a specific subject is great...and the fact that students can highlight in ...


Five for Friday

Linking up with Doodle Bugs!   1.  Fancy Nancy…We dressed like characters from our favorite books for Dr. Seuss Day.  I was Fancy Nancy.   I had a fancy skirt, a boa (that made my neck itch like crazy), and lots of jewelry.   There are no pictures ...


Greek and Latin Roots and Figurative Language Freebie

I've been working with students in tutoring groups, and we've been focusing on Greek and Latin Roots.  In addition to making a notebook, we've been putting any words we find on a bulletin board.  To make our interactive notebook, we use a spiral notebook, instead ...


Favorite Children's Authors and Books

I'm linking up with Primary Chalkboard for this fun linky party.   I love David Shannon!  He has such a variety of books.  I use his picture books with older children because they are great for teaching cause and effect!   Goodnight Moon was my favorite ...

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