Enviornmental Print and a Flash Freebie

This week has been crazy!  I even missed my favorite linky on Friday.  My daughter fractured her foot and the cast came off on Wednesday.  She was put in a walking boot for two weeks.  At about 4:30 on Friday, she changed out of her school uniform and felt a ...


Phonemic Awareness- Resources...Flash Freebie

 Based on assessment results, we have quite a few students that are struggling with phonemic awareness.  I like the PAST (Phonemic Awareness Skills Test) to assess students phonological awareness.  I feel like it is a pretty easy assessment to give, and it pinpoints ...


Five for Friday and a Giveaway!

1.  I'm almost better, but I am exhausted!!!  I wish I had a magic wand (or a fairy godmother) to clean, cook, and be a chauffeur. 2.  I've been helping screen students with the Quick Phonics Assessment. It is really a good tool to help pinpoint phonics difficulties ...


Week of Flash Freebies on Facebook this Week and Giveaway!

Happy Tuesday!  It is a rainy, Tuesday morning, and this quote just makes me smile :) To celebrate my Facebook page, there will be flash freebies every night this week (from approx. 5pm CST to 8pm CST)!   Don't forget to enter the Fall Giveaway :)  a Rafflecopter ...


Vowels, Sundy Flash Freebies, My New Facebook Page, and a Giveaway!

I'm not sure if I could put anymore in one blog post!!! I started a Facebook Page. It is under construction...I'm going to see if I can get this to work!!!! Once my grad class starts up, in October, I'll be updating my flash freebies on Facebook!!!! I'm hoping it ...


Whooo! Whoo! Fall Giveaway!!

I have not done a giveaway in forever!!!  I thought since it will be fall in another week, it was a great reason for a giveaway :) This giveaway includes three $10 Teachers Pay Teacher's Gift Certificates and three people can choose any three items from my store! The adorable ...


Five For Friday and a Flash Freebie

1.  I hate being sick....Last year I was uber healthy....the year before I was sick for a month (but only missed one day).  I also am not a great patient, and I don't like medicine....I caved in and went to the doctor.  Good thing, I had an ear infection and sinus ...


Sight Word Practice- Free Download!

Two races in 2 days (and it is HOT) wasn't really the best idea!!! I love sight word cards because they are so versatile.   Not only can students play matching games, but they can make words out of wiki sticks, play dough, shaving cream, and magnetic letters.  Students ...


Five For Friday and a Fluency Flash Freebie

1.  One of my friends is a personal trainer, and she put this on her Facebook page.  Even though she was talking about working out, I think it can apply to teaching!  This can be hard if you are a perfectionist, but unless you try, it is never going to happen! 2.  ...


Currently September and a Flash Freebie

I love participating in this linky! I loved how this month there was a heart for "love yourself"  :)  I tend to let school consume my entire life...I need to STOP doing that!!!!  Easier said than done!  I also feel like I'm on a roll with my running program ...


Bookroom- Always Under Construction

I've been working on our bookroom since we moved it in June.  It still isn't 100% complete...I'm now working on building genre bins (mysteries, historical fiction, biographies, author studies, and more!).  I'm happy with it :)  Since I don't have a classroom, I will ...

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