Five for Friday

Look what came in the mail today!! It was my Mother's Day gift...just a little late :) Isn't everyday Mother's Day??? Well, it should be!  I am in CLEANING MODE!!  With it being the end of school...I'm cleaning EVERYTHING!!!  This system ...


My Summer Goals Link Up

What a fun Linky Party!  I'm linking up with I Heart Grade 3 to share my summer goals! 1.  Have fun!   My children made Summer Bucket Lists!!  They include easy stuff like....go to the pool and go to Orange Leaf!  Then they have some fun things ...


Five for Friday

I shared these with the Pre-K teacher and her students did GREAT!!! One last practice of dinosaur nonsense words! Drama Club!  My daughter was in a play this week.  She played a teacher and my favorite line was the following: Bernard, ...


Summer Planning (Freebie DIY Planner Included)

I'm a huge planner!! I have an EC Planner, but I wanted something devoted just to all my summer projects. It seems like I'm always finding something to clean and organized over the summer.  I also have craft projects and TPT projects! This works great for organizing Teacher ...


Five For Friday with Freebies!

We did some fairy tales in 1st grade.  We've been reviewing story elements and character traits.  This packet also has Goldilocks and The Three Bears and The Princess and the Pea. I've really been enjoying following She Reads Truth.  I try ...


Project 333

I gave up shopping over Lent.  It was difficult but I really, really liked how I stopped focusing on material things.  I did buy groceries, and my children needed a few things for our spring break trip, but otherwise I avoided stores.  It also saved a ton of money ...


Five for Friday

We were totally spoiled over teacher appreciation week!  We got treats and gifts everyday!  Our theme was a circus :)  Some days, with all the craziness, it seems like we are running a Three Ring Circus :)  We even got a Keurig :) For ...

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