Another Snow Day, Fun Apps, Books to Teach Plot!

Pretty much my entire day was spent working on my dissertation proposal.  I did take some pictures of the snow; which leads me to my next topic... Fun Collage Apps for Photos  Collage is available for free (it is what I did the snow picture in). There are a ...


Winners & More :)

For my 100 Follower Giveaway...these are the winners. All winners were contacted by email! Andrea- Barnes and Noble Gift Card Donna- iTunes Gift Card Jessica- $25 TPT Gift Card Jessica Z. - $10 TPT Gift Card Reading & Writing Red Head, Katie and Crystal- all won any three items ...


Linking Up With Doodle Bugs and 100 Follower Giveaway Ends Tomorrow!

Linking up With Doodle Bugs...Five For Friday 1. It was a short week of school.  I'm happy that when I left on Wednesday, I had everything done to be ready for Monday!!! 2. Two snow days!! I love snow days!  Thursday wasn't much fun to play outside, but yesterday was ...


Phonemic Awareness, Freebie & 100 Followers

I love our reading series, but for kindergarten they only gave about 3-5 practice words a day to use with the phonemic awareness component.  Many students come to kindergarten and they already have phonemic awareness skills. However, many do not.  Four years ago when I ...


Free Apps for K-1 & Giveaways

I love the ABC Magic apps.  They are all free! ABC Magic is great for practicing letters and sounds. When students play ABC Magic 1, they can repeat the sounds that go with the letters and the pictures.  You'll hear lots of /b/ /b/ /b/ and /d/ /d/ /d/ :)  The little ...



I'm almost to 100...and I just couldn't wait to get started....I'm so excited to ALMOST reach 100 followers.  I've put together an exciting giveaway. It ends next Sunday at midnight. 1.  $25 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Certificate 2.  $15 iTunes Gift Card 3.  $10 Barnes and Noble Gift Card 4.  $10 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Certificate 5.  3 winners will receive any 3 items from store a ...


Classroom Organization & Freebie

I have been trying to do the Clutter Free Challenge. I thought I would post pictures of my "area." I should have taken before pictures, except I started to do this, THEN found out about the challenge.  I only have after pictures. I'm in the computer lab, which is pretty ...


Picture Books for Writing Response Journals &Friday Linky Party

Friday Linky Party.  I love this party :)  Today I'm linking up with Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching! Here are five random things from this week.... 1.  I cut my cat's hair.  She loved every minute of it...it was like a spa day for a cat...however ...


Story Telling Apps

Probably my favorite one is My Story.  One of the things I like the best is that you can email the story, and then open it in iBooks...and it becomes a story on your iBooks Bookshelf.   Students can record themselves reading the story, which they LOVE!  I love ...


Learning Targets

There are just somethings that I really believe strongly in, and one of them is Learning Targets and Objectives.  Our school has adopted Setting Objectives and Learning Targets as one of our school improvement goals.  Our goals came from Classroom Instruction that Works. Since, ...


Linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching & Friday Freebie

 Today I'm linking up with Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching! Here are five random things from this week.... 1.  I'm one of those people that just loves the little things.  I found these at the checkout counter at Wal-Mart for $1 last weekend!  ...

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