Black Friday and Cyber Monday

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!  As for Black Friday, I did quite a bit of shopping online! Best Buy Kohls Amazon (although I'm mad at them for raising their Free Shipping minimum to $35) Finish Line eBay Target Isn't this little puppy adorable!?!?  This ...


Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing everyone a great day with family and friends!  I have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving- I'm truly blessed! I'm linking up with  Molly at Lucky to be In First! ...


Scholastic Book Clubs, Author Studies and a Flash Freebie!

I used points from Scholastic to acquire the following author sets for our book room for the intermediate teachers!  During our walk-to-intervention time, many teachers have been doing author studies. Other popular series that we already had were Baily School Kids, ...


H A T Week

In our walk-to-intervention kindergarten groups, we started out with the following letters: H A T They have been reading lots of "hat" books!  Students use highlighter tape to find words that start with "h" and then make word lists with the teacher!  Next week they will ...


My Headache Hurts..Five For Friday and a Freebie!

Linking up with Doodle Bugs! This week has been beyond busy, and I think I might only get to a Three for Friday (on Saturday)! 1.  "My headache hurts," was what one little kindergarten boy told me today when another boy was having a FIT :)  When your headache ...


Five For Friday and a Thanksgiving Freebie

Linking Up with Doodle Bugs :) 1.  This container of rice saved my watch!  I've had this watch for about seven years, and it was a Christmas present from my husband.  On Tuessday, there was fog under the face of the watch, and I thought that for sure it was ruined.  Twelve ...


Football Sunday...Flash Freebie and Currently!

I have been doing homework all weekend...although I have managed to take a few breaks to have some family time.  Today I put on my Facebook page that if the Kansas City Chiefs won today, I would "flash freebie" one of my newest items!  Well they did it!  9-0 :)  ...


Five For Friday, a new Frebbie and a Flash Freebie!

Linking Up with Doodle Bugs :)   Happy Halloween :)   Yesterday was Halloween, and I guess I missed the memo that teachers were not wearing costumes until the party time...Ooops! I was a hippie.  Once I took off my accessories, I just looked like I had really ...

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