Made it Monday: 4th of July

4th of July is the biggest deal where I live!  Our neighborhood has a parade with fire trucks, police cars, motorcycles, and bikes.  Then after the parade we have a huge picnic.  We shoot off fireworks until 10 pm...then we can watch the fireworks show put on by the ...


Let's Talk about Books: Son by Lois Lowery and Questioning Journals

I'm on a young adult kick.  I read Giver, Gathering Blue, and Messenger when I was working on my reading specialist.  My favorite has always been Gathering Blue.  Son by Lois Lowery is my vacation book!  I'm so excited :) What amazes most about Lois ...


Made it Monday: Tshirts & Essential Oils for the Bath

I'm super excited to link up with 4th Grade Frolics and Made it Monday! This week it was rainy, and I had fun :)  I set out a WHOLE bunch of crafts on the kitchen table (beads, dots, scrapbook paper, ribbon, glue, foam, and more) and my children had a BLAST.  I was ...


Five For Friday

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs for Five for Friday :) 1)  Last week I posted about my bizzare cornea infection...I'm leaving for vacation, and I still have to use 2 antibiotic drops and a steroid drop for 7 more days!!!  I actually picked up prescription sunglasses ...


Let's Talk about Books Tuesday: Flora and Ulysses

I'm linking up with Mrs. Jump's linky party- Let's Talk about Books Tuesday. My daughter is going into sixth grade, and she told me I MUST read Flora and Ulysses!  I'm almost done :) Flora is simply brilliant!  She is obsessed with comics, and frequently ...


Made it Monday: Laundry Room and a Freebie!

I'm super excited to link up with 4th Grade Frolics and Made it Monday! My laundry room has never been decorated (in 16 years).  It was on my "to do" list to spruce it up!  It looks much better!!! I bought this basket...right now it is full of sunglasses and baseball ...


Sunday Smorgasboard: Academic Bracelets and More!

I'm linking up with Michelle at Fabulous in First for Smorgasboard Sunday.  1)  I made these bracelets with students that were struggling with either beginning sounds, blending cvc words, or sight words.  2)  I have an eye infection.  Not a ...

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