Book Talk Tuesday: Bad Kitty

I believe there is a book out there than can "hook" every child.  Lots of children like to read, but I want children to LOVE to read.  My son (will be in 2nd grade) likes to read. We read every night and he looks forward to reading at night, but I knew deep ...


Monday Made It: Clipboard and More + a Freebie

I've been busy :)  Between the pool and reading chick lit books, I've still been able to make a few things :) I made a fancy fun clipboard.  I used scrapbook paper and a quote I printed off on card stock  from The Girl Creative. Materials: Clipboard Scrapbook ...


Five for Friday- Quest for the Perfect Teacher Bag!

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs! 1.  Pool Days :)  This has been a great week to get some extra pool time in :) 2.  I'm on the quest for the perfect school bag.  I have ordered three.  It must fit the following: iPad Notebook Planner Wallet Little Make-up ...


Book Talk Tuesday- This is Not My Hat

I'm linking up with Mrs. Jump's Class this warm Tuesday morning! We found this book at Barnes and Noble last winter and my son loved it.  The main character, a little fish, is convinced that a big fish will not notice that he took his hat...after all it is perfect for him ...


Made it Monday: Binders for School and Vacation Plans

  I knew I needed to clean out my binders and make some changes for the 2014-15 school year. Look at this mess!!!!  Our building is closed for the summer (cleaning and NO air conditioning).  I happened to drive by last week, and the front door was open.  ...


Writing to Improve Phonics Skills

I went to an amazing professional development this summer on incorporating phonics into guided reading, and I've been practicing what I learned with my son.  I will say that the presenter discussed having a Reading Recovery background.  I'm not trained in Reading Recovery, ...


Five for Friday: I Gave Away My Pants

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs for Five for Friday :) 1.  I've been cleaning and organizing like crazy (closets, file cabinets, everything)!  Last year they changed our dress code, and I had to buy some new pants and FAST.   I hated wearing them all ...


Back To School: 10 Cent Folders for Guided Reading

One of my favorite back-to-school items to stock up on are pocket folders!  Usually I can find them for 10 cents!   I've had a couple people ask me how I use folders for guided reading.  I always stock up on the two pocket folders when they go on sale for 10 cents.  ...


Made it Monday: Home Remodel and Organizing Memories

This project was fun and saved a TON of money.  We are remodeling our house and I really liked our hardware in the bathroom, except that it was from 1986!  I bought some metal primer and brushed nickel spray paint.   I bought the supplies at Lowes.  First, ...

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