Five For Friday and a Freebie (or two)

I love linking up with Doodle Bugs! 1.  My quote for the week 2.  PE & Phonemic Awareness.  The PE teacher is going to use CVC words in his warm-up activities.  I'm so excited.  The students can do exercises and segment words!  I modeled ...


Five For Friday and a Flash Freebie

1.  Even though school has started, we've been trying to get in lots of outside time after school!  School All Day + Playing Outside Afterschool = Early Bedtime My children fall asleep in about 5 minutes :)  This was the sunset the other night! 2.  Tying ...


Five for Friday

  1.  My friend posted this on her Facebook page, and I thought it was a great inspirational quote. 2.  Kindergarten lunch duty!!! Yesterday was a super busy day.  I had no idea that someone must have spilled their lunch on me until I sat down in ...


Taming the Wild and a Freebie!

  Taming the Wild...Here is a freebie to help with your behavior management plan.  This is my behavior management clip chart.  You can download it for free!   I also believe in being very positive.   Positive reinforcement combined with feedback ...


10 Things About Me

I'm excited to participate in the Let's Talk About Me linky! This will be fast and furious because I have meet the teacher night tonight and a huge assignment due tomorrow! 1.  I've lived all over the United States.  I like living by the ocean the best. 2.  Amazing ...


Linking Up With Doodle Bugs

1.  Just downloaded The One and Only Ivan.  I cannot wait to read it! It was $3.99 for the Kindle, so I thought it was a pretty good deal :) 2. The Power of a Positive Educator. My sister is a teacher and sent me this blog post.  I LOVED it!  It is ...


Exhausted!!! And a Freebie!

We had storms last night and lost power!!  I was so afraid I would be late on the first day back!  Thankfully, I correctly fixed the alarm in the middle of the night, and I was early :) I'm offering my latest product for free until tomorrow at 7pm!  I'm off ...


Made it Monday: I finally made something!

Teacher's at my building are starting to get their rooms finished.  I saw these fun tissue paper puff balls, and you can buy them at our local party store, but they are EXPENSIVE!!  I'm cheap!  If I was a queen, I'd be called Bridget the Cheap! Sometimes I feel ...


Professional Book Reviews: The Book Whisperer and Mindset: The New Psychology of Success

The Book Whisperer "Reading changes your life. Reading unlocks worlds unknown or forgotten, taking travelers around the world and through time. Reading helps you escape the confines of school and pursue your own education." The Book Whisperer inspired me to read more young ...


Three Days Left: Linking up with Doodle Bugs

Linking up with Doodle Bugs  and reflecting on my summer. 1.  I read lots of fun books and two professional books.  My favorite fun book was Wonder!  It is about a fifth grade boy who goes to school for the first time!! An AMAZING story.  I loved the ...


Currently August

Next week is back to school!!! I've been going in almost every day. I've been trying to do a little "deep" cleaning every day.  I feel like my house is pretty clean and organized.  I still need to wash windows and then clean out my car.  Then I'm done!!! I love ...

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